Place: Milan, Piazza Borromeo 8 C/O Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Law Firm, at 8:30 AM CET.
Proposed indivisible share capital increase in exchange for payment of an amount of Euro 4,444,090.00 plus a premium of Euro 8,555,910.00 and, therefore, for a total price of 13,000,000.00, without option rights assigned in accordance with Art. 2441, paragraph four, first sentence of the Italian Civil Code, reserved to Grupo Fernandez S.A., to be released by means of the conferral of 2,948 ordinary shares in Hermanos Fernández López S.A., held by Grupo Fernandez S.A.; related and consequent resolutions.
Redetermination of the number of members of the Board of Directors and appointment of two more Directors, all subject to the execution of the conferral to Orsero S.p.A. by Grupo Fernandez S.A. of 2,948 shares in Hermanos Fernández López S.A. held by it and with effect as from the date of execution of said conferral; related and consequent resolutions..
Please visit the following link to Shareholers’ Meeting .